
Front End

A Repository where different types of Front - End Projects are present. If you have any front end project then you can contribute to this open source repository.

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front-end coder



3D Login Page


This is a 3D SignUp or SignIn page made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

3D Maze


This is a 3D maze made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.It navigates through the maze using the arrow keys on the keyboard. Once the maze is completed, there would be a secret key.

Air Quality


It is atmospheric Air Quality checker built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Based on Latitude and Longitude, it shows the Air Quality Index(concentration of pollutants) of that particular location.

Analog Clock


It is analog clock built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It shows the current time of the system. It is a simple analog clock with hour, minute and second hands.



It is a Logistic Company landing Page with essential features for a logistic company

Animated Card


It is animated card built using HTML,CSS.

Armstrong Number Checker

HTMLCSS, JavaScript

It is a simple Armstrong Number Checker built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It checks whether the given number is an Armstrong Number or not.

Audio-Text Converter


It is basic audio to text convertor that uses Voice Recognition.

Beauty Zone


It is a bridal makeup website built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Beyblade Card Catalog


Beyblade Card Catalog will showcase Beyblade cards. The project will leverage a JSON file containing data for various Beyblade cards. This data will be dynamically fetched and utilized to populate the card catalog. The frontend page will incorporate a filtering mechanism to allow users to narrow down their card search.

Bill Tip Calculator


Bill Tip Calculator is used to calculate tips per person and is built using html, css and javascript .

Blog Project Website


It is a simple blog website built using html,css and javascript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.



BMI calculator is used to calculate BMI of the person based on height and weight.



Book case is a website where one can store their all the finished and unfinished books.



BookMarker App is used to save bookmarks using name of website.

Breathe Meditation


Breathe Meditation is used to relax the mind and body. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Caesar Cipher


Caesar Cipher is the encryption tool that encrypts the text by shifting the letters by a certain number of places. It is built using html, css and javascript .



Calculator is used to perform basic arithmetic operations. It is built using html, css and javascript .



Calendar is used to display the current date. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Captcha Checker


Captcha Checker is used to check if the entered captcha is valid or not.

Cards Component


Cards components is built using html, css and javascript .



Chess is a two player strategy board game played on a chessboard, a checkered game board with 64 squares arranged in an 8×8 grid. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Code Editor


Code Editor is used to write and edit the source code of computer programs. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Corona Tracker


Corona update is used to track the number of cases, deaths and recoveries of corona virus. It is built using html, css and javascript .



Countify is used to count the number of words, characters in a paragraph. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Crypto Dashboard


Crypto Dashboard is used to get get crypto related updates.



DashBoard is used to display the status. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Day Planner


Day Planner is used to plan the day. It is built using html, css and javascript .



Dictionary is used to get the meaning of the word. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Dictionary WebApp


It is a dictionary web app built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It uses the Oxford Dictionary API to fetch the meaning of the word.

Digital Clock


Digital Clock is used to display the current time. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Drawing App


Drawing App is used to draw on the screen. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Drink Water Reminder Application


Drink Water Reminder Application is used to remind the user to drink water after every fixed interval. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Dynamic JS Quiz


It is a quiz app built using html, css and javascript .

E-commerce Landing Page


E commerce Landing page is used to display the products of the company. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Education Website


It is an education website built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

Emoji Rating


Emoji Rating is used to rate the product. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Expanding Card Design


Expanding Card Design is used to display the image in a bigger size. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Expense Tracker


Expense Tracker is used to track the expenses. It is built using html, css and javascript .



Ezy Math is a website that helps students to learn mathematics in a fun way. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

FAQ Page


It contains the frequently asked questions and their answers. It is built using HTML and CSS.

Favicon Fetcher


Favicon Fetcher is used to fetch the favicon of the website. It is built using html, css and javascript .



Filters is used to filter the images based on the category. It is built using html, css and javascript .



The Fitness Website is alanding page , web application designed to help users learn and visualize various exercises for different muscle groups.It is built using html, css and javascript .

Github Profile Wrapper


Github Profile Wrapper is used to display the github profile of the user. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Gooey Cursor


Gooey Cursor is used to display the cursor in a different way. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Google Clone


Google Clone is a clone of the google search engine. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

Google Drive Clone


Google Drive Clone is a clone of the google drive. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.



Gym Website is a website that displays the information about the gym. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

Hex Code Generator


Hex Code Generator is used to generate the hex code of the color. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Hidden Search


Hidden Search is used to display the search bar when the user clicks on the search icon. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Hoolix-Digital Agency Website


Digital Agency Website is a website that displays the information about the digital agency. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

Image Editor


Image Editor is used to edit the image. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Image Slider


Image Slider is used to display the images in a slider. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Jaguar Car Website


It is a Jaguar Car Website built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

Jumble Word


Jumble Word is a game in which the user has to guess the word. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Language Translator


Language Translator is used to translate the text from one language to another. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Loan Calculator


Loan Calculator is used to calculate the loan amount, interest and monthly payment. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Lyrics Search


Lyrics_Search is used to search the lyrics of the song. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Magic Balls


Magic balls is a game in which the user has to ask YES/NO question. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Meme Generator


Meme Generator is used to generate the memes. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Memory Game


Memory Game is a game in which the user has to remember the colour. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.



Mix Tape is a music player built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

Modern Credit Card Form


Modern Credit Card Form is used to display the credit card form. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.



Movie Database is used to display the information about the movies. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

Music Player


Music Player is used to play the music. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

Music Player


Music Player is used to play the music. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

Music Player


Music Player is used to play the music. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

Myntra Clone


Myntra Clone is a clone of the Myntra website. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

Notes App


Notes App is used to take notes. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.



Number Guessing Game is a game in which the user has to guess the number. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

OTP Verification


OTP Verification is used to verify the OTP. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Palindrome Checker


Palindrome Checker is used to check whether the word is palindrome or not. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Password Generator


Password Generator is used to generate the password. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

PDF Merger


Pdf Merger is used to merge the pdf files. It is built using html, css and javascript .

PinCode Checker


PinCode Checker is used to check the pincode of the area. It is built using html, css and javascript .



Ping Pong is a game in which the user has to hit the ball. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Prime Number Checker


It is used to check number is odd or even. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

QR Code Generator


QR Code Generator is used to generate the QR Code of the text. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

QR Code Reader

HTMLCSSJavaScriptNode Library

The user can upload or either scan the QR Code from their device and the application provides the link of the QR Code scanned.



Reaction Time Test is a game in which the user has to click on the screen when the color changes. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Recipe Finder


Recipe Finder is used to find the recipe of the dish. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Save Text as File


Save Text as File is used to save the text as file of various formats. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Screen Recorder


Screen Recorder is used to record the screen. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Shades - Business Website


Shades is a business website built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

SignIn Page


It is a sign in page built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Sorting Visualizer


Sorting Visualizer is used to visualize the sorting algorithms. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Space Tourism Website


Space Tourism Website is a website that displays the information about the space tourism. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

Split landing Page


Split Landing Page is used to display information about more than one thing. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Spotify Clone


Spotify Clone is a clone of the spotify website. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

Step Progress Bar


Step Progress Bar is used to display the progress of the steps. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Stone Paper Scissors


Stone Paper Game is a game in which the user has to choose the stone, paper or scissor. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Stop Watch


Stop Watch is used to display the time. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Student Enrollment Form


Student Enrollment Form is used to enroll the student. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Student Service Portal


Student Service Portal is used to display the information about the services for student. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Talking ChatBot


Talking ChatBot is used to chat with the bot. It is built using html, css and javascript .



Task List is used to add the task. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Temperature Converter


Temperature Converter is used to convert the temperature from one unit to another. It is built using html, css and javascript .



Text Utils is used to perform various operations on the text. It is built using html, css and javascript .

The Great DrumKit


Snake, Water and Gun Game


Snake, Water and Gun Game is a game in which the user has to choose the snake, water or gun. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Theme Switcher


Tic Tac Toe Game


Tic Tac Toe Game is a game in which the user has to play with X's and O's. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.



It is a timer built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Tiny MCE


TinyMCE is built using html, css and javascript .



Tourism is a website that displays the information about the tourism. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.



Tripocity is a website that displays the information about the tourism. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

Truth Table Generator


Truth Table Generator is used to generate the truth table of the given expression. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Typing Speed Game


Typing Speed Game is a game in which the user has to type the word and some parameters would be tested. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Villa Hotel Website


Villa Hotel Website is a website that displays the information about the hotel. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

Virtual Keyboard


Virtual Keyboard is used to type the text without mechanical keyboard. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Visit Counter


Visit Counter is used to count the number of visitors on the website. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Voyage Slider GSAP


Voyage Slider GSAP is used to display the images in a slider. It is built using html, css and javascript .



Weather website is used to display the weather details of the city. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Weight Convertor


Weight Convertor is used to convert the weight from one unit to another. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Whack A Mole


Whack a mole is a game in which the user has to hit the mole. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.



White Board is used to draw on the screen. It is built using html, css and javascript .



Wikipedia is used to search the information about the topic. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Windows 11


Windows 11 is a clone of the windows 11. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

Resume Creator


This project uses Basic HTML, CSS, JavaScript to create a basic Resume Creator, where you can create your resume and most important download the created Resume.

Realtime Currency Converter


This is a currency converter web application that fetches real-time data for currency conversion rates using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The application allows users to convert currencies by selecting the source currency and the target currency, and it provides an interface to easily switch between the two selected values.

World Info Website


World Info Website is used to display the information about the world. It is built using html, css and javascript .

Huffman Compressor


Implemented the Huffman coding algorithm achieving efficient data compression without loss of information.

Zomato Landing Page


Zomato Landing Page is a clone of the zomato website. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.



A simple fan made webpage of LIONEL MESSI

Morse Code Convertor


This website can convert the morse code into the text and text into the morse code. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

Leap Years In A Range


This website can find the number of leap years in between the ranges and enlist all the leap years between the range of years. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

Guess The Gender By Name


This website can guess the gender just by entering the name of the person. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed even on any device.



This website can be used to manipulate text in several ways such as change to uppercase or lowercase , and remove extra spaces etc.

Playable Piano


This project is a beginner friendly and helpful who are new to frontend technology. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed even on any device.

Solar System Model


Solar system model is the animated project using CSS. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device. Adding data of different solar bodies will makes this website more informative.

Solar System Model


Solar system model is the animated project using CSS. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device. Adding data of different solar bodies will makes this website more informative.

Sound Equalizer


Sound Equalizer is a clone of the sound equalizer system. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

Lorem Ipsum Generator


This project can generate random written paragraphs. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

Carbon FootPrint Calculator


Carbon FootPrint Calculator is an Eco-Friendly Calculator to help you keep your carbon emissions in check and help save the environment, built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

Video Player


This website can be used to play videos. This application give the feeling of video gallery as of our mobile phone.



This is a Chatbot Website you can ask your any doubts this provides solutions with the help of GPT fetched API.

Random Meal Generator


Random Meal Generator can generator different meals. It is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is a responsive website that can be viewed on any device.

